Carlos Arturo Villela y Mendoza Apps

Torres de Hanoi 1.0
Gratuito, sin publicidad.Juego de las torres de hanoi con 4 aros.Código fuente disponible via github.Free,withoutadvertising.Game Towers of Hanoi with 4 rings.Source code available via github.
Ensenada 1.0
Whether you want to visit the city or evenifyou have been living here for many years, this is an app youmosthave.This app give you a quick access to stores, events,restaurants,activities and more all this with phone numbers, googlemap,address, dates and an objetive rate.It has no adds, and no one got pay to include a hotel orarestaurant or anything.Made by locals for everyone in town.
Super Busca Minas 1.2
Simple sweepmine. classic game. free, 0adds.with 2 play modes,got a configuration window, menu, and 5 diferents levels.Open Source. Code avaliable in github (soon)Enjoy